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Global Computer Hardware Industry - Growth of the various segments

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The effects of the global recession is left on the computer hardware company and they are way back on progress. It seems that the forecasts were made before the recession, going to make it true. Different parts of the computer hardware industry is growing by improving their design and functionality, and their question.

Not only the major hardware manufacturers, but to the small and medium enterprises to large contributions to the growth of the industry on a global scale. Below are some sections that are to industries in different countries, to analyze the growth of computer hardware.

Prior to that, here is a list of the most important segments of the computer hardware industry:

       Finished products and goods, such as computers and laptops.
       Network hardware, consisting of routers, modems, network cards, network cards, hubs and switches and other components.
       Storage hardware. Of the drives to the USB storage
       Input and output peripherals such as the keyboard, mouse, scanner, video cards, speakers, headphones, game controllers and so on.
       Hardware consisting of motherboards, UPS, monitors and other components.

Personal Computer Market

In 2008, the global PC market, generating revenues of $ 203.7 billion, representing an average annual growth of 8 percent from 2004 to 2008, the PC market in China had a total value 21.8 billion dollars in 2008 the total average annual growth of over 14 percent. The US PC market generated $ 50600000000 in 2008, the 3.8 percent annual growth.

An impressive growth of 42 percent was shown by the PC sales from October to December 2009 in the Indian market. The 52 percent of desktops sold contributed by multinational computer hardware companies and 13 percent of the Indian manufacturers of computer hardware. The remaining 35 percent were assembled desktops.

The growth in other segments

From October to December 2009, the Indian computer hardware market grew 70 percent growth of laser printers. The dot matrix printers grew by 13 percent, while inkjet printers by 17 percent compared to the same period in India. Registered the UPS market growth of 28 percent in the period.

Chin in the total yield of the network hardware had generated $ 4800000000 in 2008. The network hardware growth in the US is from the same year was $ 23 billion. Total revenues for the global network hardware market in 2008 was $ 112.8 billion. The global storage hardware and peripherals market took a turnover of $ 160.3 billion in 2008.

Future trends

Based on the current rate of growth, the global computer hardware market is expected to reach the value of $ 537.3 billion in 2012, Computer Hardware manufacturers have started using the concept of green computer hardware production and that is by go to the profits of the Add Computer hardware companies.

The small and medium-sized manufacturers of computer hardware from developing countries such as India have a great future in computer hardware components. Go along with the main stakeholders to the computer hardware industry to a new level in the near future.

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